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I have developed the “Journey Down the Unbound Path” to serve, empower, and cultivate natural born healers and intuitives. The World’s in need of our “Good Medicine” like never before. I have consolidated ALL techniques, spirit given instructions and insight, (over 35 years of the “Spiritual/Paranormal school of hard knocks”), into one 6-week Journey. What I have learned and honed over a lifetime is now available at your fingertips and ready for you to implement for exponential and Expedited Development. All who have journeyed with me so far are in awe of how simple it is to connect with Spirit once you learn the way.I was shocked initially as well, as many of them who had never connected before were in direct communication with their Guides without my assistance, within the 1st 2-weeks! Some of them have since, embraced a path of healing and mediumship of their own, after completing this transformational Journey, something they would say is a complete 180 of their life before…My intention for the journey is simple: I want as much of this “Good Medicine” as possible out there in this World! Therefore, I have chosen to not hold back. No secrets or missing pieces of the puzzle, I believe this kind of blessing is meant to be shared, for nobody owns Spirituality.
*You set the pace for your journey. Although it will be set up in (6) week-long modules you’re welcome to take as much time as you need between lessons)