Services and Offerings

Native American Spiritual Practitioner Services:

-Blessings-Cleansings-Spiritual Healing Prayer-Land Acknowledgement-Spiritual Counseling/Conflict resolution-

Mediumship Services:

Spirit Communication- Spiritual Guidance in cooperation with an individuals personal guides -Table top group communication- Spirit Readings by the hour-

(All Journeys’ are Spirit-led, and facilitated utilizing direct knowledge, techniques, instruction, tools, and insight given to me to utilize in my own practice, these have been honed and implemented through the fire for over 32+ years. I do not gate-keep any secrets from my clients, My experiences and insight are yours to share…its a catalyst for efficiency and exponential growth like you cannot imagine!

1:1 Developmental Mentorship on the “Journey to Mediumship” (3-week intensive Journey)

1:1 Spirit Guided “Journey Down the Unbound Path” (Individualized based on curiosity, and intention with a specific goal or exploration of focus i.e. Spirit Communication or different modalities) (1-week intensive Journey)

1:1 Journey back to self…a journey to celebrate Authenticity, contentment, empowerment, indifference and JOY! (1-month supportive insight and empowerment Journey, Slow and steady Growth)

Retreats and Vision Quests:

Personal Development, Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Development, Overall Spiritual Wellness and Complete Transformation, (See Retreats and Upcoming Events Page for up-to-date offerings).

Specialized knowledge Guest Speaker Service includes live Q & A when appropriate ($ 1,000 hr.) Flat Rate plus Travel and Lodging call (775)-450-3234 to Book)

**Paranormal/Spiritual Remediation: support, counseling, and intervention. **

***If you are curious about something that is not listed please reach out for a free consultation call/text or book through the Book Services menu.***